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Policy Development

Driving Positive Change Through Tailored Policy Solutions

Policies shape education systems, driving progress and improvement. At Global Education, ICT, and Research Group, we craft tailored, evidence-based policies in collaboration with clients. Our services include policy analysis, formulation, implementation, and evaluation, with expertise in curriculum, teacher training, assessment, and equity initiatives. Explore our impactful projects driving positive change, supported by our experienced team. We partner with leading organizations to advance education agendas, ensuring policies enhance learning outcomes and promote equity. Contact us to initiate your policy development journey.

Our team comprises experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds in education, policy analysis, research, and project management. With a deep understanding of global education trends, we are well-equipped to address complex policy challenges.

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WASSCE Remedial Prep Program

Our WASSCE Remedial Prep Program is tailored to empower students to excel in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). Through targeted instruction and personalized support, we equip students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to conquer the WASSCE with ease. Our program covers comprehensive review sessions, exam strategies, and practice assessments, ensuring students are fully prepared to achieve their academic goals. Join us on the path to academic excellence and elevate your WASSCE performance with our Remedial Prep Program.

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Quantitive & Qualitative Data Collection & Analysis

In the era of data-driven decision-making, harnessing the power of both quantitative and qualitative data is paramount. At Global Education, ICT, and Research Group, we specialize in comprehensive Quantitative & Qualitative Data Collection & Analysis services tailored to illuminate insights and inform strategic initiatives.

Our approach blends rigorous methodologies with innovative techniques to gather and analyze data effectively. Whether it’s through surveys, interviews, focus groups, or statistical modeling, we leverage a diverse toolkit to capture a holistic understanding of your target audience, market trends, or organizational dynamics.


From identifying patterns and trends to uncovering nuanced perspectives and sentiments, our analytical prowess empowers you to make informed decisions with confidence. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of your data, driving innovation, and achieving transformative outcomes.